On Parade Funny army poem

Big Derek joined the army, so his Cecil joined up too,
he couldn't let his boyfriend fight alone,
a million miles away- Afghanistan, Iraq, Peru -
or some ungodly place without a phone!

A bus took them to boot camp, and the barber got them first,
the floor was dirty - Cecil was appalled,
"You ought to be ashamed," he said, "your hygiene is the worst!"
he ran back out to Derek, almost bald!

They lined up for their uniforms, behind the other guys,
and Cecil didn't like the style, of course,
when their turn came the man behind the counter asked their size,
he said: "I'm small, but Derek's like a horse!"

At weapons distribution Cecil eyed them gingerly,
"I bet they make an awful lot of noise,
and I won't need a rifle, I can't shoot an enemy -
'cause what if they are really lovely boys?"

They marched to the parade ground and they stood there straight and tall,
the Sergeant yelled: "I'll teach you men to fight!
You'll learn to march and shoot and kill, I'll educate you all,
a big loud voice now, number from the right!"

Author: Unknown

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