Funny Parrot

I bought a talking parrot from the pet shop,
it knew three languages, apparently,
the man assured me it would prattle non-stop,
I took it home - I needed company.

It sat upon its perch in gloomy silence,
I wanted conversation, needed more,
a word or two, no need for oral brilliance -
I went to see the man back at the store.

"He could be rather frightened, feeling terror,
his first day from the shop, and oh so young,
I think you ought to buy this little mirror,
a friend is what he needs to loose his tongue."

That must be it, a friend that he can talk to,
I'd quite forgot about the parrot's age,
they like some other bird that they can squawk to,
I put the little mirror in his cage.

Four days - he never said a single sentence,
I went back to the store, said with a frown:
"You sold that parrot to me under pretence,
he hasn't said a single verb or noun!"

Author: Unknown

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