Time To Rise

Love after love, thought after thought, pain after pain, when will the healing start?

Carrying loads that is beyond heavy, you have no muscles to lift the weights that has been holding you down for so long.

Mistake after mistake, heart-ache after heart-ache, can't understand why life feels this way!

I thought he loved me and I thought he cared, you thought it was joy, peace and happiness you once shared!

Low self-esteem, no confidence at all, why let someone so not worth it, cause such a beautiful young lady to fall?

“But I thought he loved me,” was your favorite line,it's that your to blind to look behind and see that he was lying.

Looking in every corner, looking in every bag, opening so many doors, trying to find where the true love and peace lies, young lady its Time to Rise.

Rise out of depression,rise above the pain, rise above the hurt, learn how to give life a simple smirk.

Its! Okay to love and its okay to feel, but after all the hurt allow yourself to heal! Say someone loves me, who?Her name is me, and she loves me more than you'll ever know, and you'll finally see that loving you and loving him just don't seem to workat all. Tell him, to choose between the two, now you know if you have to choose, say I choose me!

Love comes and love goes, soar like a bird, fly high, reach for your goals and don't compromise! Young beautiful lady tell yourself it's “Time to Rise”!

by JaLisa Poole

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