Thank You for Parents

Dear Mum and Dad
What can I say?
You've been with me
All along the way.

When we had the kids
It wasn't easy to fare.
But so much the better
Because you were there.

Sweet Seth and darling Zoe,
Grand kids who truly adore ya.
I want you to know - from all of us
That no one comes before ya.

Your sweet and selfless spirit
That deals with those come-what-mays,
I tell you now, quite honestly
You've brightened all my days.

When Kanne and I discovered
That Zoe wasn't well,
We thought we'd entered something like
A very private hell.

But help was on the way to us,
From doctors, yes it's true.
But the biggest help of all -
It came - where else? From both of you.

You came to us and stayed with us,
You gave a world of strength.
Oh parents, dear, can I ever say
Just how much it meant?

For Mum to be there off the bat,
For Dad to make that drive
For Mathew to go it alone at home
I'm the luckiest girl alive.

Dad's worked so hard to earn the funds
To keep us living well.
And Mum's the word that says it all,
So much that I could tell.

Like how she gives so much to us,
My thanks for her I'm prayin'.
She does it all, and never stops,
'All work and no play' is her sayin'.

She's strictly a gal for family,
From her own sweet brood of seven.
I tell you Mum, you put me strong
On top of seventh heaven.

And let the world know of my folks
That never will they fail ya'.
They're best in Kalgoorlie, oh yes,
In fact, they're tops in all Australia.

I'm here to say for all of us,
From Kanne and the kids.
We'll make it, yes, we will prevail
Above all in our midst.

But gotta give sweet credit
Where such a thing is due.
And I tell you, Mum and Dad, my dears
It's all because of you.

Sweet family means everything
In the world to me.
I've learned from your example, folks,
I'm telling you - I see.

So thanks again to Mum and Dad,
And brother - you're a dear.
We move ahead because of you,
To a future with hope - not fear.

By Samantha

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